Photo Tips
5. Underwater flash is used to restore the warmer colors filtered out by the
water as well as to illuminate the subject. When photographing
underwater, set the camera to use flash on every shot. If the camera’s
flash is set to AUTO and the sun is behind your subject, the camera may
see enough light and not fire the flash. With the sun behind the subject,
the subject is shaded (dark) and needs flash for a good exposure.
6. When using daylight or flash, if your camera consistently over or
underexposes the image, you may want to adjust your camera’s
exposure compensation settings. Also, set the camera metering to
“center-weighted” or “spot.”
7. Many photographers transfer their images to the computer where they
can fine tune the appearance of the image. Many of the image
manipulation programs make you think you can magically correct any
image taken and make a good picture. Remember that when using an
image manipulation program such as Photoshop, that if the image is
overexposed, much of the color is missing. If the color is missing you
cannot adjust it. If images are slightly underexposed, the color is there,
but it is just dark and you can adjust it to some degree. So, if you error
in exposure, it is better to have the image slightly underexposed rather
than overexposed.