The roaster starts to cool during a roast and will no longer heat
regardless of the profile it is programmed with.
A thermally activated switch prevents the case heating to an unsafe
temperature. This switch should not activate under normal roasting
conditions but may activate if the roaster was programmed with an
extreme roast or in high ambient temperatures.
If the thermal safety switch is activated the heating element will switch
off and the roaster will cool down, although it will otherwise appear to
operate as normal.
Allow the roaster to cool for at least 30 min. Switch it on and see if it
works again. If the the roaster does not work contact IKAWA.
The light on the roaster shines a purple colour and the
roaster does not work.
The roaster in an error state that could be triggered by a
number of problems.
The most likely causes are:
1. The temperature sensor is broken.
2. The ambient air temperature is less than 10 �C.
1. Contact
quoting your roaster serial number.
2. Try using the roaster in a warmer place.