Read the User Guide before using the iHEARHD
Infrequent use of a hearing device does not permit a
user to attain full benefit from it. Hearing device will not restore
normal hearing and will not prevent or improve a hearing
impairment resulting from organic conditions.
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The iHEARHD is an in-the-ear hearing aid intended for
adults with mild to moderately severe hearing loss who
need hearing enhancement and is not to be worn by
individuals under the age of 18. The Food and Drug
Administration has determined that it is in your best health
interest to have a medical evaluation by a physician (preferably
a physician who specializes in diseases of the ear) before
purchasing a hearing aid. The purpose of a medical evaluation
is to assure that all medically treatable conditions that may
affect hearing are identified and treated before a hearing aid is
purchased. Following the medical evaluation, the physician can
give you a written statement (medical clearance) that states that
your hearing health has been evaluated and that you may be
considered a candidate for a hearing aid. The physician may refer
you to an audiologist or a hearing aid dispenser, for a hearing aid
evaluation. You may also send (by mail, fax, or e-mail) the signed
medical clearance to iHear Medical for the purpose of purchasing
a hearing aid. Federal law restricts the sale of hearing aids to
those individuals who have obtained a medical evaluation from a
physician. Federal law also permits a fully informed adult to sign
a medical waiver statement declining the medical evaluation. The
exercise of such a waiver is not in your best health interest and its
use is discouraged. iHear Medical will not sell a hearing device to
you unless you either (1) obtain a signed medical clearance, or (2)
review and accept the medical waiver statement.