Initial Operation and User Interface
Operating Manual dryve D1, ST-, DC-, EC/BLDC-Motor Control System - V2.4
5.4 Motor configuration
The dryve D1 can control Stepper, DC and EC/BLDC-Motors. Basic information is provided in the following chart.
Stepper Motor (ST)
Motor Current
Indicates the maximum permissible continuous current of the motor.
Boost Current
The Boost Current indicates the increase of the Motor Current during acceleration and deceleration
phases. An increase of the Motor Current to the value of the Boost Current is possible for a
maximum of 2 s and may be set up to 150%. Activation of the Boost Current depends on the
frequency of movement.
Holding Current
The Holding Current sets the current applied to the motor if it is at a standstill (only in the case of
Stepper Motors in Open-Loop circuit, otherwise greyed out).
Step Mode
The "Step Mode" can be used to influence the positioning accuracy and smoothness of the
movement. The smaller the step, mode the more precise the positioning movement, the better the
motion steadiness and the less noise is emitted,
Available are Auto, 1/1 Full Step, 1/2 Step, 1/4 Step, 1/8 Step, 1/16 Step, 1/32 Step und 1/64 Step.
(only available with Stepper Motors, otherwise greyed out).
Step Angle
The Step Angle indicates the size of a step (0,72°, 0,9°, 1,8° etc.) and set the needed steps per
revolution (1,8° correspond to 200 steps per revolution).
Direct Current Motor (DC)
Motor Current
Indicates the maximum permissible continuous current of the motor.
Boost Current
The Boost Current indicates the increase of the Motor Current during acceleration and deceleration
phases. An increase of the Motor Current to the value of the Boost Current is possible for a
maximum of 2 s may be set up to 200%. Activation of the Boost Current depends on the frequency
of movement.
Holding Current
The Holding Current is not used if a DC Motor is selected. The corresponding field has been
greyed out.
Pole Pairs/Step Angle
The Pole Pairs/Step Angle value is not used if a DC Motor is selected. The corresponding field has
been greyed out.
Electronically Commutated Motor (EC/BLDC)
Motor Current
Indicates the maximum permissible continuous current of the motor.
Boost Current
The Boost Current indicates the increase of the Motor Current during acceleration and deceleration
phases. An increase of the Motor Current to the value of the Boost Current is possible for a maximum of
2 s may be set up to 300%. Activation of the Boost Current depends on the frequency of movement.
Holding Current
The Holding Current is not used of an EC/BLDC-Motor is selected. The corresponding field has been
greyed out.
Pole Pairs
The Pole Pairs indicate the number and arrangement of the motor coils
In the case of the EC/BLDC-Motor, a 3-pole Hall Sensor is required for commutation. It is therefore
possible to select an additional encoder in order to increase positioning accuracy.