User manual:
Indiv idual parameters , des c ription by figures and des ign in the
manual may differ depending on the v ers ion and updates .
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Charging with G2V1
1. Connec t the adap ter to the c harger c onnec tor. The G2 V1 has
two c onnec tors - Mic ro US B in ex tended v ers ion and US B - C als o
in ex tended v ers ion. It c an be us ed, for ex ample, for outdoor
phones where other c ables c an not be us ed due to their rubber
"armor". Do not us e v iolenc e when c onnec ting the c onnec tor.
2. Connec t the c able to the c ha rger and then to an elec tric al out let
or other power s ourc e (power bank , etc .)
3. When the bat tery is fu lly c harged, dis c onnec t the dev ic e from
the c able.
Damages requiring professional repair :
If s uc h c as es may oc c ur, pleas e, c ontac t the authoriz ed s erv ic e or
y our dis tributor:
1) For hous ehold us e: The g iv en s y mbol
(c ros sed-out wheeled bin) on
produc t or at ac c ompany ing doc umen ts
us ed
elec tric al
elec tronic
produc ts
s hould
dis pos ed of with hous ehold was te . To
ens ure proper dis pos al of the produc t,
hand it ov er to a des ignated c ollec t ion
point, where i t will be ac c epted free of
c harge. The c orrec t dis pos al of this
produc t will help to s av e v aluable
natural res ourc es and prev ent any potent ial negativ e impac ts on
the env ironmen t and human heal th, whic h c ould otherwis e be
c aus ed by inappropriate dis pos al of was tes . For more de tails ,