Infrared Emitter
The basic principle employed by iGen is light amplification. In very dark conditions, where you
cannot see, and your eye cannot detect the small amount of light that is available, the iGen
detects and amplifies very small amounts of available light. But in the absence of any
available light, use the infrared emitter.
To understand how much light is available in different environments, review the following
table. Light intensity is measured in lux. One lux is roughly the amount of light created by a
candle at a distance of one meter.
The number of lux existing in different environments is:
Number of Lux
iGen Function.
Sunny Day
Too bright. Keep lens cap on.
Overcast Day
100 to 10,000
Too bright. Keep lens cap on.
Indoor Lighting
80 to 300
Keep lens cap on.
Street lighting at night
1 to 10
No IR(infrared emitter) needed.
Full Moon
No IR needed.
Quarter Moon
IR might be needed.
Clear night with no moon
IR necessary at distance.
Dark Cloudy Night
IR absolutely necessary.
Image Capture
The use of high capacity memory cards with the iGenLE is not recommended. Saved images are
low capacity, particularly in comparison to modern high-resolution daytime digital cameras, and
thus a high capacity memory card should not be necessary. If a high capacity memory card is
used, the time required for the iGenLE to enter Capture Mode and the time elapsed between
viewed images may be excessive, as many as several seconds. For these reasons, the iGenLE is
supplied with a low capacity card. Some brands of memory cards will require long write times;
as many as 10 seconds may lapse between pressing the capture button and returning to view
mode. The total number of stored images is limited to 400.
Image Review
Choose REVIEW from the main menu to view saved images.
When in the image review mode, the IR and Image Capture button features are
deactivated. Pressing-and-holding the POWER button will still turn off main power.
Use the triple action switch to view images.
Upon entering Review Mode, the last image saved will be displayed.
to see earlier images.
to see later images.
“First Image” or “Last Image” will be displayed if you reach the 1st or last
saved image.