a) Finish calibration:
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
> [CAL] is displayed�
b) Change a 2nd point on the curve of measured values
► Set a second defined reference pressure in the system�
Minimum distance between the calibration points CP1 and CP2 = 5 % of
the final value of the measuring range�
► Press [Set] for 5 s�
> The pressure measured by the unit is displayed�
► Press [Set] until the set reference pressure is indicated (measured
pressure = reference pressure) or the corresponding analogue signal is
provided on OUT2�
Maximum correction value = ± 2 % of the final value of the measuring
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
> [CP2] is displayed�
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
> [CAL] is displayed, the process is finished�
9.5 Service functions
9.5.1 Read min/max values for system pressure
► Select [HI] or [LO] and press [Set] briefly�
[HI] = maximum value, [LO] = minimum value�
Delete memory:
► Select [HI] or [LO]�
► Press [Set] and keep it pressed until [----] is displayed�
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
9.5.2 Reset all parameters to factory setting
► Select [rES]�
► Press [Set] and keep it pressed until [----] is displayed�
► Press [Mode/Enter] briefly�
It is recommended to take down your own settings in the table before
carrying out a reset (→13 Factory setting).
9.6 Simulation function
9.6.1 Open menu level 3 (simulation)
► Select [EF] and press [Set] briefly (= to open menu level 2)�
► Select [SIM] and press [Set] briefly (= to open menu level 3)�
> [SEL] is displayed�