ifm Vision Assistant O3M
The overall rotation is calculated by multiplying the rotation matrices . The
rotations around the X, Y and Z axis are described by the rotation matrices
R_x, R_y and R_z . The rotation matrices R_x, R_y and R_z are formed
internally from the Euler angles that are entered in the input boxes .
The indices x, y and z describe the axis of rotation in the coordinate
system of the device . The overall rotation R of the device coordinate
system into the world coordinate system is defined as matrix multiplication:
R = R_x * R_y * R_z
The figure on the right shows the coordinate system of the device
originating from the reference point . The definition of the coordinate
axes is necessary for the configuration of the expert mode .
9.8 Automatic calibration
The device can be calibrated automatically in the world coordinate system . Especially setting the
orientation angle of the device is simplified by the automatic calibration .
For the automatic calibration, the following conditions must be met:
1 . The origin of the world coordinate system must be placed on a plane .
2 . Plane must be adjusted so that it covers a large part of the visible 3D image panel .
The automatic calibration is also possible if the origin of the world coordinate system is not on the
plane . Then, the height of the device is set to the reference level and, after the automatic calibration,
again referred to the actual world coordinate system .
3 . If the automatic calibration is carried out for the first time, the position and the rotation of the device
must be set and stored manually .
Necessary accuracy for the manual setting of the position and the rotation:
Height estimation above the plane: approx . +-0 .5 m
Angle of pitch: approx . +-10%
If the conditions are met, the automatic calibration can be released with the illustrated button .