73BOverview system blocks
Overview system blocks
In addition to the CoDeSys
standard libraries another system library for the con-
trollere is contained on the CD:
contains the blocks necessary for working with AS-i
slaves version 2.x. In new projects the components of this library should be used
for access to AS-i system information.
ifm_AsiUtils_010000.lib blocks
Changing the slave address
from "oldAddress" to "newAd-
dress" as soon as "Start"
changes to TRUE
Executing an AS-i command
(possible commands
scription "command channel" in
separate fieldbus manual)
Reading the current configura-
tion information of a connected
AS-i slave
Reading the current input val-
ues of an AS-i slave
Reading the current output
values of an AS-i slave
Reading which button of the
controllere is actuated
Reading the configuration error
Reading the current parameters
of an AS-i slave
Updating the global slave lists