IO-Link Master with EtherNet/IP Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Set connection types and RPI
The IO-Link master supports different connection types (
Supported connection types
The user can choose which object instances of the input assembly and the output assembly are used.
This makes it possible to adapt the size of the transmitted and received data. Additionaly the Request
Package Interval (RPI) can be selected.
To set the connection type:
AL1120 is correctly integrated into the EtherNet/IP project (→
Integrate the AL1120 into the
EtherNet/IP project
1 Open the module properties
In the Controller Organizer: Double-click on the IO-Link master node
Dialogue window appears.
2 Set connection type
Click on [Change...].
The [Module Definition] dialogue window appears.
Select the required connection type from the list [Connections].
Click on [OK] to apply the changes.
3 Change RPI
Click on [Connection] tab.
The connection settings appear.
Select required time value from [RPI] list.
Click on [OK] to apply the changes.