IO-Link Master with EtherNet/IP Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Integrate the AL1120 into the EtherNet/IP project
The device is integrated as module of an I/O scanner in the EtherNet/IP project.
The EDS file of the AL1120 is installed (→
Registration of the EDS file
1 Create/open EtherNet/IP project
Start RSLogix 5000.
Create new EtherNet/IP project.
Open an existing EtherNet/IP project.
2 Configure EtherNet/IP PLC and IO scanner
Select and configure EtherNet/IP controller and IO scanner.
EtherNet/IP project includes a EtherNet/IP controller and an IO scanner.
3 Integrate AL1120 in project
In the Controller Organizer: Right mouse click on the IO scanner.
Context menu appears.
In the context menu: Select [New Module...].
The window [Select Module Type] appears.
Select AL1120 and click on [Create].
The [New Module] window appears.
Enter name and IP address of the AL1120.
Click on [OK] to adopt the entered values.
RSLogix 5000 adds AL1120 as sub-element of the IO scanner to the project.
4 Save the project
Save EtherNet/IP project