IO-Link Master with AS-Interface Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Electrical connection
Notes ......................................................................................................................................................12
IO-Link ports ...........................................................................................................................................13
Connecting the unit .................................................................................................................................15
A qualified electrician must connect the unit.
The national and international for regulations setting up electrical equipment must be
complied with.
The unit is only suitable for operation using SELV/PELV voltages.
Please note the information concerning IO-Link wiring!
This unit contains components that may be damaged or destroyed by electrostatic discharge
Please observe the required precautions against electrostatic discharge!
The IP rating of the overall system depends on the protection ratings of the individual devices,
the applied connection elements and the corresponding protective caps.
Provide cables with a strain relief depending on the mounting conditions to avoid
excessive strain on the installation points and the M12 connections.
Ensure correct fit and proper assembly of the M12 connecting parts. If these instructions
are not complied with, the specified protection rating cannot be guaranteed.
For UL applications:
To connect the IO-Link master and the IO-Link devices, only use UL-certified cables of the
CYJV or PVVA category with a minimum temperature of 80 °C (75 °C in case of maximum
ambient temperature of 40 °C).
Technical data
By means of basic insulation according to EN61010-1, the circuits are separated from each other and
from device surfaces that could be touched (secondary circuit with 30 V DC maximum, supplied from
mains circuit up to 300 V overvoltage category II).
By means of basic insulation according to EN61010-1, the communication interfaces are separated
from each other and from device surfaces that could be touched (secondary circuit with 30 V DC
maximum, supplied from mains circuit up to 300 V overvoltage category II). They are designed for
network environment 0 according to IEC TR62102.