Radiated electromagnetic fields
This reader is designed for operation as per EN 302208� When the unit is operated with antennas con-
nected, the human exposure regulations in accordance with EN 50364 must be complied with� Ensure
a minimum clearance of 23 cm between the antenna and the human body, and comply with the operat-
ing instructions for RFID antennas� In some circumstances, heart pacemakers may suffer interference if
wearers are close to the antenna when the unit is in operation (reader and antenna)� In case of doubt, the
people affected are requested to contact the manufacturer of their pacemaker or their doctor�
The reader output power must be reduced as a function of the antenna cable length and the antenna
CE and FCC labelling
The unit complies with the applicable CE requirements and FCC part 15�
Brand Name: ifm electronic DTE810 RFID-UHF-Reader for Europe
ifm electronic DTE910 RFID-UHF-Reader for US (FCC)
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules� Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and, (2) This device must accept any interference
received including interference that may cause undesired operation�
Modifications or conversions which are carried out on this unit without the express permission of
ifm electronic may invalidate the FCC permit for the operation of this unit.
Following corresponding tests, it has been ascertained that this unit adheres to the limit values for class B
digital units in accordance with part 15 of the FCC regulations� These limit values are intended to provide
private user's systems with appropriate protection against harmful radio interference� This unit generates
and uses energy in the radio frequency range and is also able to radiate this; if it is not installed and used
in accordance with the regulations, the unit may cause harmful radio communication interference� How-
ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a specific system� If this unit causes harmful
radio or television reception interference, which can be ascertained by switching the unit on and off, we
recommend that the user attempts to rectify this interference via one or more of the following measures:
● Realign the receive antenna or change its position�
● Increase the distance between the unit and the receiver�
● Plug the unit into a socket in a current circuit other than that to which the receiver is connected�
● Seek advice from the retailer or an experienced radio/television technician�
Warning regarding exposure to RF radiation
This unit meets the limit values of the FCC for exposure to radiation in an uncontrolled environment�
When installing and operating this unit, adherence to a minimum clearance of 23 cm between the radia-
tion source and your body is required�
Note regarding proper installation:
To meet part 15 of the FCC regulations in the United States, the system must be properly installed to
guarantee adherence to the certification regulations according to part 15� The operator and the specialist
company which carries out installation are responsible for ensuring that only certified systems are used in
the United States� Use of this system in any other combination (e�g� several antennas which transmit the
same information in the same location) is expressly prohibited�