10.3 Error indication
Short circuit in OUT1�
Short circuit in OUT2�
Short circuit in both outputs�
Detection zone of volumetric flow or temperature exceeded:
measured value between 120 % and 130 % of VMR�
Below the detection zone of temperature:
measured value below -10°C�
- Unit faulty / malfunction�
- Measured value greater than 130 % of VMR�
[SEnS] Sensor indicates incorrect measurement� For more detailed diagnosis / fault
► Press [Set] briefly�
> The latest measured values are displayed�
Flow sensor faulty�
Setting pushbuttons locked, parameter change rejected�
VMR = final value of the measuring range
10.4 General operating conditions
► Avoid deposits, accumulated gas and air in the pipe system�
Greater amounts of accumulated gas and air in the medium or unit generally lead
to the display [SEnS]�
For medium temperatures over 50 °C (122 °F) some parts of the housing
can heat up to over 65 °C (140 °F)�
► In this case do not touch the unit�
► Protect the housing against contact with flammable substances and uninten-
tional contact�
► Do not press the pushbuttons manually; instead use an object�