Use The Tracker Pod
Helpful Chart Information
While you view the chart on page 7, read the helpful information below.
The tracker pod will detect automatically the type of activity you are performing, such as walking, running, sleeping, and so
forth . Allow 10 seconds for the tracker pod to detect the type of activity you are performing .
You can enter calories into the tracker pod in increments of 50 . When entering calories into the tracker pod, make sure to
double touch the button to confirm the total number of calories you entered . The maximum number of calories you can enter
at one time is 2,500 .
The tracker pod will detect your workouts automatically . You can also start a workout manually on the tracker pod . When you
start a workout manually, the tracker pod will remain in workout mode for 15 minutes . Then, if the tracker pod detects further
activity, it will continue in workout mode .
The tracker pod will record your
average speed during each minute
of your workout . This information will be displayed in
your workout history in the iFit app .
During your workouts, the tracker pod will display your heart rate when you wear a compatible heart rate monitor . When the
tracker pod detects a heart rate monitor, your heart rate will be shown in the display . When the tracker pod cannot detect a
heart rate monitor, an instructional message will appear in the display .
The tracker pod is compatible with all BLUETOOTH Smart heart rate monitors .
For information about purchasing a
BLUETOOTH Smart chest heart rate monitor, see THE OPTIONAL CHEST HEART RATE MONITOR on page 8.