Quick Start Guide - iesy RPX30 EVA-MI
For electrical connection use a power supply with voltage of 15 V up to 30 V. Recommended is a
power supply with min. 6 W and 24 V.
Safety note: the carrier provides protection against reverse polarity and overvoltage.
Step 1 - Boot-Medium
The iesy RPX30 EVA-MI supports boot from microSD and e-MMC on the module. Per default the
system boots from microSD containing the pre-installed iesy demo image. Ensure that the DIP-
Switch (SH1) is in position ON to select microSD.
Per default the e-MMC does not contain a boot image.
Step 2 - Debug-Console
For accessing the debug console connect a terminal Host to the COM-Port at the USB OTG (Mi-
cro-B). Set up your terminal with the following parameter:
>Baud-Rate 115.200 baud
>8 bit, no parity/Flow-Control
Step 3 - HDMI
The HDMI is optional for boot and running the system.
The monitor must support a resolution of Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixel @30Hz).
Step 4 - Power Connection
Connect the power supply to connectors XB17/XB18 or use a standard Plug-In power supply on
XS3 (2.5 mm Jack) (cables not included)
Step 5 - Boot
The system will boot up automatically when power is applied.
Step 6 - Login-Prompt
After Kernel boot login with user root. There is no password needed.