Note: Use only alkaline batteries.
Lever T ube
Motor C able
from Lockset
(G rey/R ed)
F lex-C ircuit
(from R aceway)
Motor C able
(G rey/R ed)
C onnector
R E X F unction
3 of 6
Motor C able
(from C ontrol Module)
C ontrol Module
1. C onnect the F lex C ircuit from raceway to C ontrol Module
(note orientation of cable). Make sure cable is fully seated.
2. C onnect the red/grey wires from C ontrol Module to the red/grey
wires from the L ocks et. At this time, plug in the optional request
to exit (R E X)/ Door S witch cable.
(S ee the chart below and F igure 8A.)
3. Hang the C ontrol Module on the center stud on the backplate
allowing the smaller portion of the hole in the C ontrol Module
B racket to fit down into the groove on the stud. Note: T he fork in
the lower part of the C ontrol Module bracket will fit over the stud
at the Inside Lower Housing screw on the backplate.
C o n tr o l M o d u l e
a n d B a tte r y P a c k
F igure 8
1. C onnect NOR MALLY OP E N free exit (R E X) device
to the B R OWN and OR ANG E wires
2. C onnect NOR MALLY C LOS E D door position switch
to WHIT E and Y E LLOW wires
C onnecting R E X and Door P os ition S witch
to J 4 (OP T IONA L )
C onnector
Des cription
J 1
J 2
J 4
J 5
Battery Connector
Keypad Connector
for F lex C able (26 P in C onnector).
F lex cable connector is keyed to
guarantee proper connection
REX and Door input loops
Motor Cable
B rown
G reen
Y ellow
G ray
R E X Loop
R E X Loop
not used
Door Loop
Door Loop
not used
P in Wire C olor F unction
P in Wire C olor F unction
R ed
B lack
not used
B attery
P in Wire C olor F unction
R ed
G ray
Motor A
Motor B
Interior B ackplate
F lex C ircuit
C ontrol Module
6 C onductor
Wire Harness
J 4 R eceptacle
(R E X/DOOR connection)
F igure 8A
J 2 R eceptacle
(F lex C ircuit connection)