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iMag/ iMag Pro(II) User Manual
03h / 83h Other
04h / 84h Raw; un-decoded format
For Type 04 or 84 Raw data format, all tracks are encrypted and no mask
data is sent. No track indicator ‘01’, ‘02’ or ‘03’ in front of each track.
Track indicator ‘01’,’02’ and ‘03’ will still exist for non-encrypted mode.
Note 2: Track 1-3 status byte
Field 4:
Bit 0: 1— track 1 decoded data present
Bit 1: 1— track 2 decoded data present
Bit 2: 1— track 3 decoded data present
Bit 3: 1— track 1 sampling data present
Bit 4: 1— track 2 sampling data present
Bit 5: 1— track 3 sampling data present
Bit 6, 7 — Reserved for future use
Decoded bit: 1 for decode success or no sampling data; 0 for decode error
(with sampled data but failed to decode)
Sampling bit: 1 for sample data exist; 0 for sample data does not exist
Note 3: Clear/mask data sent status
Field 8 (Clear/mask data sent status) and field 9 (Encrypted/Hash data sent
status) will be sent out in enhanced encryption format, which is the default
iMag/ iMag Pro output format.
Field 8: Clear/masked data sent status byte:
Bit 0: 1 —track 1 clear/mask data present
Bit 1: 1— track 2 clear/mask data present
Bit 2: 1— track 3 clear/mask data present
Bit 3: 0— reserved for future use
Bit 4: 0— reserved for future use
Bit 5: 0— reserved for future use
Note 4: Encrypted/Hash data sent status
Field 9: Encrypted data sent status
Bit 0: 1— track 1 encrypted data present
Bit 1: 1— track 2 encrypted data present
Bit 2: 1— track 3 encrypted data present
Bit 3: 1— track 1 hash data present
Bit 4: 1— track 2 hash data present