1. Functional Overview > JTAG Interface
Tsi578 User Manual
June 6, 2016
Integrated Device Technology
CBUS compatibility
— Tsi578 does not provide the DLEN signal
— Tsi578 does not respond as a CBUS device when addressed with the CBUS address. The
Tsi578 will interpret the CBUS address like any other 7-bit address and compare it to its
device address without consideration for any other meaning.
Fast Mode or High-Speed Mode (HS-MODE)
Reserved 7-bit addresses should not be used as the Tsi578’s 7-bit address. If a reserved address is
programmed, the Tsi578 will respond to that address as though it were any other 7-bit address with
no consideration of any other meaning.
10-bit addressing
— Tsi578 must not have its device address programmed to the 10-bit address selection
(11110XXb) in systems that use 10-bit addressing. The Tsi578 will interpret this address like
any other 7-bit address and compare it to its device address without consideration for any
other meaning.
General Call. The general call address will be NACK’d and the remainder of the transaction
ignored up to a subsequent Restart or Stop.
JTAG Interface
The JTAG interface in Tsi578 is fully compliant with IEEE 1149.6 B
oundary Scan Testing of Advanced
Digital Networks
as well as IEEE 1149.1
Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture
standards. There are five standard pins associated with the interface (TMS, TCK, TDI, TDO and
TRST_b) which allow full control of the internal TAP (Test Access Port) controller.
The JTAG Interface has the following features:
Contains a 5-pin Test Access Port (TAP) controller, with support for the following registers:
— Instruction register (IR)
— Boundary scan register
— Bypass register
— Device ID register
— User test data register (DR)
IDT-specific pin (BCE) which allows full 1149.6 compliant boundary-scan tests. This pin should
be held high on the board.
Supports debug access of Tsi578’s configuration registers
Supports the following instruction opcodes:
— Sample/Preload
— Extest