©2017 Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
October 20, 2017
5x2503 Family Development Kit User Guide
Use the following steps to proceed with the OTP burn.
8. After the chip is connected to the Timing Commander, the main window of configuration is shown (see
Figure 4
). Click the OTP icon
on the left side of personality window.
Figure 4. Personality Main Window
9. After clicking the icon, a new dialogue window will open up (see
Figure 5
). Click “Yes” to proceed with the OTP burn process. Please
note that this process cannot be reverted back.
Figure 5. Proceed to Burn Dialog Window
10. If the OTP burn process is successful, a dialog window with “Success” will appear indicating that the process is completed and the part
has been burnt based on the configuration.
Figure 6. Success Dialog Window