IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.
N doc:MN/2014/024 - Rev. 1.0
OPERA DUO v. 1.0 – User Manual
All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved
In the 2 wheeled version, the antenna movement has to be unlocked by putting the front
lever in the left position (Fig. 4.4); if the lever is in the central position the antenna will
have limited mobility, useful for rough terrain; while the right position is used for the
transportation of the folded system.
Fig. 4.4 – Antenna locking lever for two wheeled version
In the 4 wheeled version, the antenna can be slightly raised from the ground by pulling the
strap shown in Fig. 4.5.
Fig. 4.5 – Antenna height regulation