IDS NXT malibu: Technical Manual
Fig. 18: IDS NXT cockpit netw ork configuration
6.6 HTTPS communication with SSL certificate
You have the possibility that you upload a SSL certificate to the camera and establish a secure connection
between the host PC and the camera. The following certificate types can be used:
Self-signed certificate
This consists of a private key and a certificate file with a public key and details of the certificate. The server
must know the private key and the certificate file. On the client side, each self-signed certificate must be
trusted separately.
CA-signed certificate (CA = certificate authority)
For this certificate type, first a certificate is created for the certification authority. The CA certificate itself is a
self-signed certificate consisting of a private key and the certificate file. The CA's private key is required to
sign the server certificate. Multiple server certificates can be created for different devices. These server
certificates also consist of a new private key and the original server certificate, which is signed by the CA.
For the upload to a IDS NXT camera you need a ZIP archive, which you can download via the IDS NXT cockpit .