Part 1 - Remote Setup
FTP Server
: Enter the FTP server’s IP address (or
domain name).
Upload Path
: Designate the file upload path.
: Enter the FTP server’s port number.
User ID, Password
: Enter the user ID and password
needed for connecting to the FTP server.
: Configure image and upload settings.
Upload Type
: Choose an upload type. Select
to upload images using the settings below,
irrespective of event detection. Select
upload images using the settings below when an
event is detected.
Upload Frequency
: Activated only when Upload
Type has been set to
. Designate the upload
speed. The specified number of images will be
uploaded to the FTP server during the specified
period of time.
Upload 1 image per
: Activated only when Upload
Type has been set to
. Designate the upload
speed. Select
for and specify a duration.
Images will be uploaded for the specified duration
at the specified upload speed. Select
Upload while
event status is active
to upload images at the
specified speed only while event status is active.
: Choose the resolution and
quality of the images to upload to the FTP server.
Range of resolution settings you can use here can
vary depe nding on the resolution setting applied
Video > Streaming
Base File Name
: Enter a name for the files to be
uploaded to the FTP server and then choose file
identification options. Select
Add Date/Time Suffix
to add event detection date and time information
to each image file. Select
Add Sequence Number
Suffix - max. Count
to number the image files
based on the order of event detection. Select
to overwrite the previous image with
the new image. Event type is automatically added
to the file names.
When specifying the
Upload Path
Base File
, you cannot use special characters such as \, /,
#, *, |, :, ", <, >, and ?.
The resolution of FTP upload image can change
depending on the resolution setting applied under
Video > Streaming
Set speed settings for Upload Frequency and
Upload 1 image per options in consideration of the
FTP server's performance. FTP uploads can fail if the
configured speed is higher than what the FTP server
can handle.