background image

3. Training 

Starting a Training 

Turn on the SpiroTiger


. Start the training by pressing the 

ENTER key  .

The SpiroTiger


 indicates every change from inspiration to 

expiration with a short sound and a change of the side of 
the running arrows.


Place the mouthpiece in your 
mouth, take a deep breath and 
start with the expiration when 
the running arrows begin to 
move upward.

When you hear the short sound 
start breathing in. The running 
arrows are now moving down-

Important: When a 0 (zero) respiration rate is selected


only the inspiration and expiration circles are indicated  
( / ). Training can take place at a completely self  
determining pace. The training supervision remains  
active. At the end of the training a respiration rate average 
is given and the total respired volume. 

Displays and messages during the training

During the training the device supervises the 



Breathe shallower!

Increase with the   arrow the 
respiration rate, or increase the 
bag size.

Breathe deeper!

Reduce with the   arrow the 
respiration rate, or decrease the 
bag size.

If the given pace is not maintained, the speed arrows ap-

4. Cleaning, Maintenance

For personal use the air leading pieces (user set), with 
the respiration bag as an exception, can be cleaned in 
the dishwasher. The respiration bag has to be cleaned 
manually and then hung up to dry with the opening facing 
downwards. If multiple persons are using the same user 
set it must be disinfected (though boiling or sterilization 
see Hardware User‘s Guide, chapter “Cleaning and Disin-


•  Store the SpiroTiger


 dry, dust free environments only.

•  For storage only use the original packaging.
•  For further information see the Hardware User‘s Guide.
•  For storage remove the batteries.




Read before using the SpiroTiger


 device the 

detailed instructions of the user manual!

Respiration rate

Training time  
(minutes : seconds) 


Optimal respiration depth


Breathe faster!

Breathe slower! 

Cleaning only by hand

Cleaned in the dishwasher and 

though boiling

Important Training Tips

•  In the beginning training requires good coordination 

and patience. Numerous trainings are required to grasp 
the concept and the flow of a training.  
At the beginning just focus on a regular respiratory fre-
quency. Once you are successful in holding the pace try 
to adjust the respiration depth. 

•  To simplify the first training sessions we recommend to 

choose the setting without fixed respiratory frequency 
(RF = 0). This training mode allows unrestricted respi-
ratory frequency; as you like you may breathe fast or 
slow. Automatic monitoring of the training is still guar-
anteed.In order to increase the training load you may 
thereafter enter a fixed respiratory frequency. Typical 
respiratory frequencies lie between 20 and 40 breaths 
per minute.

•  To optimize the training intensity, training sessions 

should be considered strenuous, if not increase the 
respiration rate. 

•  If it is not possible to complete a training session at a 

selected intensity we recommend reducing the respira-
tion rate until the desired duration can be reached. 

•  Recommended are training sessions between 15 and 

30 minutes per day. 

•  Two to five training sessions are recommended per 

week depending on personal goals. To maintain per-
formance at least two training sessions per week are 

•  During training only breathe through the mouth. If nasal 

respiration occurs use the given nasal clamp.

End of training

At expiration of the entered training duration or after an  
interruption of the training by pressing ENTER  , the  
device shows the following training results

(With     you 

switch through the logbook)

Number of training, duration of training 

, average res-

piration rate 

, bag size  , total ventilation volume VT, 

average minute respiration volume VM, training profile (Pr) 
and time between inhalation and exhalation (Ct).

The data are consecutively saved in the logbook (1-99). 

Press the ENTER key   to return to the start menu.
