Intervall Training
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of training where several short and intense
training sessions are performed right after each other, with short breaks in between the sin-
gle intervals. Example with running: 4 x 3 minutes of fast running with 1 minute and 30 se-
conds of walking or easy jogging in between.
With such a training, fatigue can be evoked very rapidly, thus setting a training stimulus.
Studies show that HIIT sets a similar training stimulus as long endurance sessions with the
big difference that HIIT takes much less time. Therefore, HIIT is not only effective but also
very efficient.
This theory is also applicable on the respiratory muscles and the training thereof.
The interval mode of the Idiag P100 offers the unique possibility to conduct HIIT. In this
mode the respiratory muscle endurance training is complemented with resistances (similar to
strength training), to ensure high intensity and faster fatigue of the respiratory muscles.
Assessments and adjustment of the parameters
The interval training requires the same assessments as the endurance and strength training
to individualize the training appropriately.
Therefore, the assessments of the maximum breathing depth, maximum expiratory strength
and maximum inspiratory strength need to be conducted. If those values already exist, the
assessments don’t need to be repeated.
In the settings in the app the individual parameters for the interval training can be set prior
to the training.
First, the procedure of the interval training is defined by choosing the duration of the inter-
vals, the duration of the pauses between the intervals and the number of intervals.
The intensity of the intervals is set via the breathing frequency, the resistance levels for in-
spiration and expiration and the desired breathing depth during the intervals.
The resistances can be set to low, middle, or high, whereas the resistances for inspiration and
expiration can be chosen differently.
Attention! The settings for the interval training can only be adjusted via the smartphone app but not on the
Idiag P100 itself.
The interval training can also be conducted without the app. In this case the parameters which were last set
via the app, or the default parameters are used.
Per default, four 4-minute intervals with 1-minute pauses at a frequency of 25 breaths per minute and a
breathing depth of 60% of the maximum at middle resistance levels are set.