Operating conditions
Temperature: -10°C to +50°C.
Relative Humidity:10%<RH<80%.
-40°C to +70°C.
RH < 90%.
We recommend the MTop Slim installation within controlled lighting
conditions (300-1500 Lux). Avoid direct exposure of sensor to sunlight or
intensive UV lights. Both may degrade the performances of the sensor on a
long time period (even when device not powered).
Ground connection
Make sure that the ground connection of your computer is correctly done
(connected to earth), otherwise terminal might be sensible to electric noise
Software Environments
Android 10, 11 and 12
Microsoft Windows 10 (32 and 64 bits). Windows 11 (Mid-2023)
Ubuntu (from 14 to 20.04 LTS) (64 bits)
Nominal PC HW configuration is I5 Core with 4 GB RAM
It is highly recommended to have at least 2 USB controllers:
1 for MTop Slim
1 for other devices behind a USB Hub