Independent -
continued . . . . . .
diSPlAy Code on boileR
The boiler is in standby operation awaiting either a central heating call or hot water demand.
The boiler has a call for central heating but the appliance has reached the desired
temperature set on the boiler.
The boiler has a call for hot water but the appliance has reached the desired temperature set on
the boiler.
The boiler is operating in central heating.
The boiler is operating in domestic hot water preheat.
The boiler is operating in domestic hot water.
The boiler is operating in frost protection.
noRMAl oPeRAtion diSPlAy CodeS
foR Any qUeRieS PleASe RinG tHe
ideAl ConSUMeR HelPline : 01482 498660
note. boileR ReStARt PRoCedURe -
To restart boiler, turn mode knob to “restart” position and immediately turn knob back to required setting.