User Manual
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There are ten bands of parametric equalization. Each band can be adjusted freely over the complete frequency range of 20Hz to
20kHz. Adjust the frequency by dialing the rotary encoder. Press the rotary encoder to select the parameters. The available para-
meters are: Frequency (20Hz to 20kHz), Gain (-12dB to +12dB), Q (0.2 to 25), Enabled (On or Off), Type (Bell, High Shelf, Low Shelf,
Notch, All Pass, Band Pass, High Pass, Low Pass). For the Shelving filters, the Q value sets the steepness of the filter in dB/Oct.
The compressor is a true RMS compressor. Turn the rotary encoder to set the threshold. Press the rotary encoder to select the
parameters. The available parameters are: Threshold, Attack, Hold, Release, Ratio, and Makeup Gain.
3.3.8. LIMITER
The limiter is a zero-attack peak limiter. Only the threshold and release can be set. Press the rotary encoder to select the parame-
ters. The release value is displayed in dB per second.
Turn the rotary encoder to switch polarity on or off.
By linking 2 channels, the settings are guaranteed to be identical for both channels, except for mixer and mute. Turn the encoder to
set the Channel Link on or off.