Section 3
The magnetically encoded data on the MagStripe is decoded (read) by card
reader. The stripe data has a fi xed format defi ned by the ISO standards. The
ISO fi xed format is not always convenient or useful for card reading applica-
tions. The solution is for the card reader to decode the stripe data and then
arrange the data into useful format and content.
The VersaKey Reader is an intelligent magnetic stripe reader that decodes,
verifi es, and transmits stripe data. The reader also provides a convenient
formatting and content editing capability for transmitted data. The MagStripe
data can be edited and arranged by the reader; characters can be added to
the formatted data. The added characters form either a prefi x or a suffi x to
the formatted MagStripe data. To support the reader’s formatting capability,
ID TECH provides an easy to use confi guration utility, Magswipe Software.
Confi guration settings can also enable the reader to work with the host system
communication port settings; data transmission intervals or data rates for
Magswipe Software supports the Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows Vista operating systems.
When readers are confi gured appropriately to an application and computer,
these confi guration settings are stored in the reader’s non-volatile memory
(they are not affected by the cycling of power).
The reader is shipped from the factory with the default settings already
programmed. See Appendix A. The reader has been factory programmed
with the least restricted settings, thus making the reader ready to read most
standard format magnetic stripe cards.