Enabling better global research outcomes in soil, plant & environmental monitoring.
The PSY1 Leaf Psychrometer follows the same principle of measurement as the stem psychrometer, however the
body of the chamber is reduced to accommodate smaller and thinner leaf areas in several plant species. The
technique used to prepare and install the Leaf Psychrometer is different to the Stem Psychrometer as it requires
additional care to prepare the installation site.
The PSY1 Leaf Psychrometer is comprised of:
PSY1 Logger
Leaf Psychrometer Chamber
Please note, the Psychrometer thermocouples are made from 25µm Chromel/Constantan wire. You will require a
microscope to view the thermocouples. You should not attempt to manipulate their position with the naked eye, the
thermocouples can easily be broken if handled incorrectly.
Thermocouples under 20x magnification.