ICP Interactive UNIX Using Manual Download Page 3



First initialize a hard disk connected to the ICP Controller (using GDTSETUP under DOS),
and install it as a Host Drive (see chapters C and I "Configure Host Drives"). The Host Drive
on which you wish to install the Interactive UNIX system must be assigned number 0
(GDTSETUP menu option 

Configure Host Drives

). Now you can start the installation procedure.

During installation, a GDT driver corresponding to the IRQ used by the ICP Controller has to
be selected. As discussed in chapter B of this user’s manual, the PCI System BIOS automati-
cally assigns an IRQ to a PCI INT. The IRQ used by a ICP Controller is displayed by the GDT
BIOS after a cold boot. After having successfully installed the basic Interactive system, use


 to install the software package 

OS File Management, kernel Configuration

, and after-

wards the GDT driver software. After having installed other desired software, choose the
menu option 


 to configure the ICP Controller as boot controller and to enter any other

device connected to it. Then, a new kernel must be linked and installed (see above). After


 and a system reboot, you can partition and mount Host Drives with 


 (see above).

You can integrate the GDT driver into the kernel of the copy of the boot disks in two differ-
ent ways:

a) There is already a bootable system on another computer

In this case, the easiest method is to install the driver software for the ICP Controller on this
system and to link a kernel containing the ICP Controller as boot controller (see above).
Then copy this kernel to the Interactive boot disk copy. This can be easily done since this
floppy disk contains a mountable file system. You can then start the installation with this
boot disk. Make sure that the controller's IRQ is set according to the entry in 



b) There is no bootable system available.

For Interactive UNIX 3.2v4, only.
When using this UNIX version, you have to use the GDT Interactive disk called GDT Interac-
tive UNIX 3.2v4 - for boot installation. The installation is carried out according to the Inter-
active UNIX 3.2v4 documentation.


Target-IDs 0 and 1 with LUN 0 to 7 are reserved for 

"Direct Access Devices"

 (devices be-

having like a hard disk or a removable hard disk and therefore configurable with GDT-
SETUP). There is a fixed correlation between the Host Drive number in GDTSETUP (menu
"Configure Host Drives") and the target-ID and LUN. When a host-drive has been installed
with GDTSETUP, it has to be communicated to the UNIX system (in


) by assigning a

target-ID and LUN which are determined with the following formula:

Host-Drive Number  =  8 * Target-ID + LUN

The host-drive number is the number the drive has in the list of available host-drives in the
GDTSETUP program. The following exemplary screen shows a list of host-drives in which
only one host-drive is installed.
