4.2 File Menu
This tool provides users to operate the project file. It can save the RMV-511
configuration as the file or upload the settings from the file. It is convenient to
manage a lot of RMV-511s. The explanation is as the following:
New: Opening a new file
Open: Opening a exited file
Save: Saving the file.
If the parameters are changed or save the uploading parameters from the RMV-511,
you can use this function to save these configurations.
Save as: Saving the file as another name
4.3 Connecting to the RMV-511
For connecting to the RMV-511, you can follow the steps below.
(1) Select the COM port of the host PC and connect to the Utility port of RMV-511.
(2) Press "Connect" to connect to the RMV-511. If the connection is failed, check
the COM port settings and wiring.