I-8088W API Reference Manual, Version 1.0.0, Aug. 2010 --- 44
3.18. i8088W_GetHardwareTrigChannel
The "DI" pin of I-8088W can be set as hardware trigger pin or simply DI pin. The
user can call this function to know the status of channels.
i8088W_GetHardwareTrigChannel(int slot,int ch,int* triggerState);
1. slot 0 ~ 7
2. ch 0 ~ 7
3. trigState
0 : means the hardware trigger function is disable. (Normal DI pin)
1: means this DI has been configured as external trigger signal for
I-8088W to startup its PWM pulse.
2: this DI has been configured as external trigger signal for I-8088W to
stop its PWM pulse.
Return Values.
Please refer to Error Code Table.