I-9048/I-8048W Linux API Reference, v 1.0.2 E-mail: [email protected]
Enable falling edge or rising edge:
Each channel can set to:
Rising edge interrupt
Falling edge interrupt
Rising edge and Falling edge interrupt
User can enable one channel, several channels or all channels as interrupt signal input.
The function declaration:
I8048W_Set_RisingReg (int slot, int channel, int Enable)
I8048W_Set_FallingReg (int slot, int Channel, int Enable)
Install IST
The interrupt service thread (IST) is a thread that does most of the interrupt processing.
After installing an IST, when “External signal” enters the I-9048, the kernel signals the event
on behalf of the ISR, and then the IST performs necessary operations collect the data and
process them. When the interrupt processing is completed, the IST informs the kernel to
re-enable the hardware interrupt.
The function declaration:
I8048W_InstallISR(int slot, void *ISR_Function (int slot));
ISR is a piece of code that is built-in or loaded into the kernel, and the user's application
cannot handle this function. A process or driver can create threads (called ISTs) specifically
registered to handle interrupts in user space. After a hardware interrupt occurs, the ISR
processes the interrupt and immediately informs the system to execute the corresponding IST.
ISR and IST are usually used in pairs. Although the API function name is ISR, it is actually used
to install IST, users can design their own IST functions.
The IST function declaration:
Void ISR_Function (int slot);