I-7565M-HS USB to CAN converter User Manual (version 1.0.0)
Page: 58
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5.5.15 CANHS_GetCANBlackListCANID
This function is used to get CAN IDs from blacklist table of CAN message ID
firmware filter in the assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-HS device.
int CANHS_GetCANBlackListCANID(WORD i_wDevice_id, BYTE i_byCANPort,
WORD *o_wCIDNum, DWORD *o_dwCID);
Int32 CANHS_GetCANBlackListCANID(UInt16 i_wDevice_id, Byte i_byCANPort, out
UInt16 o_wCIDNum, [In,Out] UInt32[][ o_dwCID);
The assigned device ID of the I-7565M-HS device.
The assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-HS device.
The amount of the CAN message IDs in the blacklist table of CAN message
ID firmware filter in the assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-HS device.
This point to an user defined CAN ID array buffer for saving the CAN
message IDs that are in the blacklist table of CAN message ID firmware
filter in the assigned CAN port of the I-7565M-HS device.
Return Value:
Return 0 means success, others means failure.