Common practice is to number the 8-
channel modules consecutively starting
at 01 with the bottom module. In an
IC32A, for example, the bottom module
would be 01 and the ones on top of it
numbered 02, 03 and 04. If the system
had two IC32A’s, the second IC32A
would have its modules labeled 05, 06,
07 and 08 with number 05 being the bot-
tom module.
Iconyx steerable column loudspeakers
are digitally controlled and a PC with
appropriate software is needed during
installation and setup. Once the setup is
completed the PC is no longer needed
unless the system parameters need to
be adjusted or changed.
The Iconyx software requires a PC
meeting at least the following basic
Processor Speed:
800 MHz Pentium or higher
256 MB or higher
At least one available USB port compliant with USB1.1
Operating System:
Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP SP1 or higher
Operating System Add-Ons: .NET Framework (provided with the Iconyx software)
Screen Resolution:
1024 x 768 or higher
Internet Explorer v5.0 or higher
Note that Windows 95 and Windows 98 are not supported.
A typical system layout is shown below.
RS422 Contol Cable
Audio Cable
From Audio Source
Owners Manual