2141 ICON Way, Vacaville, CA 95688
Tel: 707.564.4000
SL-042820 REV A
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Torque bolt to 26 in-lbs. Apply Torque Stripe.
Verify .060 +/-
.020” gap reveal between
seawing tip and seawing Joggle. Ensure Seawing
installation is complete.
Make the following logbook entry:
instructions of Service Letter (SL-042820-AA) have been complied with (ref. FAA Exemption
If you have questions, comments, or concerns about this Service Letter and/or if you are no longer owner/operator
of this aircraft, please forward this information to the present owner/operator and notify ICON Aircraft at:
ICON Aircraft
2141 ICON Way
Vacaville, CA 95688
(855) FLY-ICON or (707) 564-4000
Please include the aircraft registration number, serial number, your name, and if known the contact information of
the new owner/operator.