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1 Unpack unit carefully
. Make sure that it is in good
condition. It is important that you keep packaging for
warranty/service return.
2 Check that the valves are fitted properly.
valves will normally come fitted, so a visual check that
they are upright is normally all that is necessary. If not
see the section on “valve replacement”.
3, Connect to turntable and amplifier.
Making sure that you connect any
“ground” leads form
the turntable to the post on the rear of the PS2.
Otherwise excessive HUM may result.
4 Connect the power cable to your wall supply.
it away from the turntable to reduce mains noise. If for
some reason the welded plug must be removed, please
remove fuse and dispose of immediately. (As they can
be a danger to children if plugged in). The replacement
plug should be wired in the following way Brown to Live
terminal, Blue to Neutral terminal and Green/Yellow to
Earth terminal.
The red/blue mains indicator should
light up and unit will start working after about 30
seconds. All valves normally have a visible orange glow
from the cathode heaters. Full quality will be reached in
approx 5 minutes.
6, Moving Magnet or Moving Coil?
The PS2 is MM, due to the size of the unit. Should you
require to use with MC pickups our stand alone x10
Moving Coil transformer is an ideal partner. These high
quality British made MC transformers will optimise the
performance of your PS2. However Hi Fi News reported
very good results from HIGH OUTPUT moving coil
Getting the best from your PS2
Hum problems
Like any phono stage the PS2 will pick up hum from
other hi fi and electrical units. This can be minimised by
taking care to site the unit away from other equipment.
This is sometimes due to
an “earth loop” (too many
earths). On the rear of some models the PS2 is an earth
or “ground lift” switch, this will help minimise any hum
that is due to an “earth loop” (too many earths), try this
switch first and leave in the position that gives the
minimum hum. Bear in mind subsequent alterations to
your system may make it necessary to change this
setting. If on initial setting up you are aware of loud
hum, you may need to use an interconnect with the
screen disconnected at one end. Your dealer or Icon
Audio can advise you.
As a rough guide, when set up correctly the hum
should be at about the same level as the
background noise as you advance the volume on
your amp. You dealer or Icon can advise you.
The PS2 is not particularly sensitive to hum in Moving
Magnet mode, but this will depend upon the hum field of
associated equipment such as amplifiers etc.
Moving Magnet and Moving Coil pickups have a very
low output and therefore are more sensitive to hum and
noise from adjacent equipment, so it makes sense to
spend a little time experimenting in order to find the best
site for your PS2, arranging your turntable and cables
for least interference. Keep the turntable signal lead
away from power cables and other equipment. Some
turntables and even CD
players etc may have ac motors
or power transformers with large horizontal and vertical
invisible “hum fields” which may be picked up by the
PS2. Gentle re-arrangement whilst switched on may
help identify and improve matters.
Most problems associated with hi fi equipment involve
connecting leads. Always make sure you have good
connections and use good quality interconnects. Your
dealer will advise you. Unshielded cables are unsuitable
for use with phono pre-amplifiers.
General points
Some m
obile phone ‘breakthrough’ is normal
Storage in damp conditions could damage
Clean with a damp cloth, with power disconnected.
Do not use solvents.
Keep liquids away from the pre amp.
Allow about 30 seconds after switching off before
switching on again.
Always switch off and allow about 20 mins
discharge time before making any adjustments
such as changing valves.
Do not operate without valves fitted
Connecting Leads
Use good quality connecting leads, which are no longer
than they need to be.
Leaving the PS2 switched on
Transistor equipment needs to be left on for a long
period to reach its optimum sound. With valves this
takes minutes. Therefore there is no advantage in
leaving the PS2 switched on when it is not in use. It is
using electricity and valves have a finite life, (averaging
about 5000 hours or 6000 LPs). Do not switch on and
off unnecessarily. From new the PS2 will take about 30
hours before it is “burnt in”.
Mono Switch
This has two functions:
1. Much of the noise on modern stereo LPs
when they are badly worn, scratched or dirty
is “out of phase” which means that when
played in mono much of the noise is
experience more pleasurable.
2. Early mono LPs have a slightly wider groove
which when played with a modern stylus, can
generate more noise than would have been
originally heard. This also applies to 45 and
78 rpm records (45 rpm records were not
normally stereo before about 1970). Also
they are likely to have been played on older
“non hi fi” equipment and possibly a worn
Even on a good mono LP the centre image is often
unstable as there will always be slight differences
between the two groove walls. When the mono
switch is used this is 99% the same as using a real
mono cartridge. The mono switch will often cancel
out the horrible
“stereo effect” which was once
y used to “modernise” the effect of original
mono recordings.
As mono recordings were optimised by the engineers
to sound at their best from a single point source, in
our opinion they often sound better when played
through only one speaker, as that is the original
sound. Try disconnecting the input to one channel on
your amplifier!