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44  August 2023




To select a memory channel as the operating fre-
quency, push the 


 key repeatedly until the mem-

ory mode comes up. Rotate the dial to select the de-
sired channel. 


Scanning is simple to accomplish. Push the 



repeatedly to select the VFO mode or the memory 
mode, and then hold down the 


 button until 

the beep sounds to start the scan. When a signal is 
detected, the signal strength is displayed. Push either 




 button to stop the scan. Skip chan-

nels can also be programmed easily.

The priority scan function searches for a signal on the 
selected memory channel or call channel. While oper-
ating on a VFO mode frequency, the priority scan 
checks the selected memory or call channel every 5 
seconds for activity. For example, if the operator is on 
a VHF mode frequency, but wants to keep an ear out 
for activity on 146.520 MHz (same band), activating the 
priority scan will allow for checking for any signals 
every 5 seconds.  Select a channel to be scanned, 
then push the 


 button, select 


, and you can






. Then, push the 


 button to start 

the priority scan. Push it again to cancel the scanning.

Operating Impressions

Overall, the radio has an admittedly subjective quality 
feel to it. It’s compact and goes easy in the hand. I 
enjoyed operating it. It would make a good addition to 


 EmComm operator’s go-bag, with its in-

cluded charging cradle. And speaking of going into the 
fi eld for operations at a public event emergency tent or 
disaster area, it seems to be able to withstand harsh 
environmental conditions. The IC-T10 has an IP67 
rating, which means complete protection against dust 
and airborne particles, but also waterproof up to 
1 meter (39 inches).

Other fi eld-expedient features include high-level loud-
speaker audio and RF output. The promotional litera-
ture claims “a combination of a new speaker design 
and a 1500 mW audio amplifi er” as the reason for the 
good audio output. 

Interestingly, the radio covers the FM broadcast band, 
which might be handy when on a deployment and 
listening for media reports involving the potentially 
evolving disaster situation. The IC-T10 also has a 
weather alert function and is pre-programmed with 
NOAA weather alert channels.

At almost 70 years of age, I found it to be a bit chal-
lenging to read the characters on the necessarily small 
display screen and the function button labels just 
below the screen. A pair of readers helped. In the SET 
mode, there is a 


 function that can be turned on 

— the extra illumination helped me to read the screen 
and button labels that are also backlit.

The audio output from the speaker is indeed loud and 
undistorted. Audio quality reports from QSO partners 
were all good. I also listened to my transmitted audio 
and can confi rm it is of good quality. I successfully 
programmed the home channel (selected by the small 
gray button on the top panel) with my often-used local 
repeater pair. A quick push of the button brings up the 
repeater frequency.

Setting operating parameters in the SET mode was 
easy to accomplish. It was easy and quick to turn on 
the repeater tone function and select/set the tone itself. 
There are two SET tables: the SET mode and the initial 
SET mode, which sets the “set and forget” basic func-
tions such as the beep sound level, time-out timer, etc. 

Battery life is prolonged with the power save function 
and will give you up to 11 hours of operating time, 
enough for a long day on an incident command post or 
at a remote road rally checkpoint. There is an optional 
dc power supply pack, a battery eliminator style, and 
the AD-149H, which replaces the standard battery 
pack, and that can be used to connect the optional 
cigarette lighter-type dc power cables (CP-12L) or the 
OPC-254L cable to connect to a dc power supply. 
There is no battery tray option for AA batteries, like my 
Icom V80 handheld has. If a club owns multiple Icom 
IC-T10s to be used in emergencies or events, an op-
tional charger for six units is also available (BC-214 
with the BC-157S). For more information, you can 
download the product brochure along with the user 
manual and the advanced manual on the manufac-
turer’s website (see



All scanning functions and modes worked well — the 
VFO scan scans all frequencies, or just the frequen-
cies in one or the other band (2 meters versus 70 cen-
timeters). The program scan scans one of three pro-
grammable sets of scan edge frequencies, and they 
worked well. Skip channels and frequencies can be 
programmed, too.

The CS-T10 programming software is available for 
free, but you will need to purchase the optional OPC-
478UC/-1 USB programming cable.

Reprinted with permission; copyright ARRL.
