KV5R: Icom IC-706MkIIG Mods and Tips
4. Remove power cable from radio. Remove top cover slowly. Carefully unplug speaker.
5. Using visor magnifier and bright light (and a very steady hand), catch one end of the diode with
tip of iron (very lightly tinned).
6. Gently pull upward with the iron. The diode will either rotate upward on it’s other lead - or it’ll
break off.
7. If you lift one end just a little, you can leave the diode there in case it ever needs to be reattached.
8. Plug in speaker. Reinstall cover. Power up. Reprogram all your memories and settings.
The removed diode. The rod is a 0.5 millimeter mechanical pencil lead.
You can see the diode is about ¾ x 1 millimeter.
If you run CW or narrowband digital modes like PSK-31, you need a narrow filter. I recommend the FL-
232, 350Hz CW-RTTY filter. It is available from all Icom dealers. Look for the best price online. I have
seen them as low as $79.95 (Universal Radio), and HRO sold me one for the rock-bottom price of $78.
Many vendors sell them for $95-$105. Don’t pay too much!
file:///C|/My%20Downloads/Icom/706.asp.htm (13 of 15)5/4/2009 11:29:12 PM