For People Who Make Smart Choices
New IDAS System Connects Hunter College
Campuses across Manhattan
Icom America is pleased to announce
the sale of an IDAS 6.25 kHz digital radio
system to Hunter College, the largest
college in the City University of New
York (CUNY) system. The new system
integrates the college’s five Manhattan
campus locations and provides instant,
direct communication for increased cam-
pus safety and operational efficiency.
“Instant communication is vital to our
role on each of the campuses. We over-
see the safety of five cam-
puses and 23,000 students in
Manhattan’s crowded, urban
setting,” says Louis Mader,
Director of Public Safety for
Hunter College. “Two-way
radio provides instantaneous
personnel, allowing us to
respond quickly during emer-
gency situations.”
The college’s administra-
tion, facilities management
and information technology
departments share the sys-
tem with the public safety department.
The new IDAS system has increased
organizational efficiency across the vari-
ous departments by allowing administra-
tors to oversee operations and directly
communicate with personnel in multiple
Hunter College’s unique hybrid system
consists of an IDAS conventional voting
system on the main campus connected
via IP to the remote campus sites. A high-
powered IAS 100DV repeater at the main
campus provides 100 watt output, easily
penetrating the heavy steel and concrete
structures of New York City to reach
the college’s remote campus locations.
The IAS 100DV repeater also features
100 percent duty cycle, battery backup
and redundant power supply to ensure
reliable communications for the public
safety department. At its smaller, remote
ianews / March 2011 / Page 5
Icom America’s pleased to
announce the promotion of
Aaron Slagle to his new position
of Advertising Manager.
No stranger to Icom, Aaron’s
already worked here nearly 13
years, the past nine as Senior
Graphic Designer.
Aaron is in charge of all things...
well, advertising, as well as
Icom America’s Website and
tradeshows programs. He man-
ages a staff of seven and works
with all divisions within Icom.
Aaron comments: “Though I
plan to remain ‘hands-on’ with
the creative process, the new
role will certainly be a change
from my normal day-to-day. I’m
excited for the opportunity to
lead our creative department
into the next chapter!”.
Meet Your Icom Team
Aaron Slagle
Advertising Manager
campus locations, the college installed
Icom CY-6000 d analog repeaters.
“The new system allows us to com-
municate directly with all five campuses,”
says Mader, whose department over-
sees all law enforcement, EMT and fire
response for Hunter College. “We can
communicate with the other campuses
from our location, and they also can com-
municate directly with each other.”
The system includes 205 IDAS IC-
F4161 digital portable radios. Built to
IP55 requirements for dust protection
and water resistance, Icom’s F3161/
F4161 Series portable ensures reli-
able operation even in severe weather
and harsh environmental conditions.
Additional radio features include a full
selection of built-in signalings, enhanced
audio and 512 memory channels.