ICM Controls SC900V Installation, Operation & Application Manual Download Page 2


Mode of Operation

Testing the Thermostat

Once the thermostat is configured, it should be thoroughly tested. 




If using pipe sensors, verify pipe sensor is within range to output. Check pipe 
temperature by pressing the 




 buttons simultaneously.

Heat Test (For systems with heat)

1. Press 


 button until heat mode is displayed.

2. Adjust the set temperature so it is 5 degrees above the room temperature.
3. Heat should come on within a few seconds.
4. Adjust the set temperature 2 degrees below the room temperature and the heat should turn off. 

There may be a fan delay on your system.

Cool Test (For systems with cooling)

1. Press 


 (left) button until cool mode is displayed. 

2. Adjust set temperature so it is 5 degrees below room temperature.
3. Cooling should come on within a few seconds.
4. Adjust the set temperature 2 degrees above the room temperature and the cool should turn off. 

There may be a fan delay on your system.

Fan Test (Continuous fan mode only, configuration setting #5)

1. Press 


 button. Fan displays. Fan turns ON.

2. Press 


 button. Fan turns OFF.

Operating Modes

There are four possible operating modes for the 





, and

 Cool & Heat


are accessed by pressing the 







The modes you can access are based on your configuration.

OFF Mode

•  In this mode, the thermostat will not turn on the heating or cooling devices




The fan (when configured as continuous fan) can be turned on manually in off mode by 
pressing the FAN button. The word FAN shows on the display and the fan icon   appears 
when the fan operates.

Heat Mode

•  In this mode, the thermostat controls the heating system. When the heat outputs, the flame icon   

apprears on the display.

Cool Mode

•  In this mode, the thermostat controls the cooling system. When the cooling outputs, the snowflake 

icon   apprears on the display.

Heat & Cool Mode

•  In this mode, the thermostat can automatically turn on heat or cool as needed. AUTO appears on 

display with heat set point and cool set point.

Patent No. 424,953

7313 William Barry Blvd., North Syracuse,  NY  13212


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The Seller warrants its products against defects in material or workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the 
date of manufacture. The liability of the Seller is limited, at its option, to repair, replace or issue a non-case credit for 
the purchase prices of the goods which are provided to be defective. The warranty and remedies set forth herein 
do not apply to any goods or parts thereof which have been subjected to misuse including any use or application 
in violation of the Seller’s instructions, neglect, tampering, improper storage, incorrect installation or servicing not 
performed by the Seller. In order to permit the Seller to properly administer the warranty, the Buyer shall: 1) Notify 
the Seller promptly of any claim, submitting date code information or any other pertinent data as requested by the 
Seller. 2) Permit the Seller to inspect and test the product claimed to be defective. Items claimed to be defective 
and are determined by Seller to be non-defective are subject to a $30.00 per hour inspection fee. This warranty 
constitutes the Seller’s sole liability hereunder and is in lieu of any other warranty expressed, implied or statutory. 
Unless otherwise stated in writing, Seller makes no warranty that the goods depicted or described herein are fit for 
any particular purpose.

Button Functions

UP – 

Used to increase the set temperatures and to adjust 
configuration settings.



Used to decrease the set temperatures and to adjust 
configuration settings.

SYS – 

Used to change from OFF, HEAT, COOL and AUTO 
changeover modes.


Used to enter configuration and advance to the next configuration screen.

FAN – 

Used to turn the fan on and off. Also used to cycle through fan speeds

SYS then PROG – 

Held in simultaneously for 10 seconds to lock and unlock the thermostat.

Up and Down – 

Pressed simultaneously to display pipe sensor temperature if pipe sensor is 








11 – Dead Band

Dead band is the minimum number of degrees allowed between heat set point and cool set point in 
auto changeover operation.
Select setting between 0ºF and 9ºF (0.0ºC and 4.5ºC)   



12 – Minimum Set Point Cooling (Lower Limit)

The minimum cooling set point can be limited so the cooling cannot be set too low.
Adjust setting between 45ºF and 90ºF (7.0ºC and 32.0ºC)   



13 – Maximum Set Point Heating (Upper Limit)

The maximum heating set point can be limited so the heating cannot be set too high.
Adjust setting between 45ºF and 90ºF (7.0ºC and 32.0ºC)   



14 – Temperature Calibration


The room temperature can be offset to display a different temperature. Example: 70F room 
temperature with -2 setting displays 68F.
Changes displayed room temperature between -9ºF and 9ºF (-4.5ºC and 4.5ºC)   



15 – Lock Feature

Thermostat can be locked so temperature, configurations and mode cannot be changed. 
Thermostat must be locked for this setting to take affect (see Lockout Feature)
0-9  - number of degrees that can be adjusted, mode cannot be changed
Cool-Heat – can adjust up to max heat and min cool but cannot change mode   



16 – Temperature Display

Select whether to display room temperature only, set point temperatures only or both.
“S” Display set point only
“r” Display room temperature only
“rS” Display set point and room temperature   



17 – Hotel Card Setback

This thermostat can function with a hotel card reading system. Select whether the system is 
normally open or normal closed and then select the desired timing.
“0”Setback disabled (


“h1” N.O. hotel card with 1 second going from unoccupied to occupied and 2 minutes going from 
occupied to unoccupied
“h2” N.C. hotel card with 1 second going from unoccupied to occupied and 2 minutes going from 
occupied to unoccupied
“h3” N.O. hotel card with 1 second going from unoccupied to occupied and 30 minutes going from 
occupied to unoccupied
“h4” N.C. hotel card with 1 second going from unoccupied to occupied and 30 minutes going from 
occupied to unoccupied

18 – Unoccupied Cool Set Point

This setting will become the cool set point during unoccupied periods.
Changes setting between 72ºF and 90ºF (22.0ºC and 32.0ºC) during unoccupied period   



19 – Unoccupied Heat Set Point

This setting will become the heat set point during unoccupied periods.
Changes setting between 50ºF and 70ºF (10.0ºC and 21.0ºC) during unoccupied period   



20 – Button Inactivity


No thermostat button activity for selected number of hours indicates an unoccupied condition. 
Note: Works only when hotel card setback is disabled.
“0” Disabled (


“4” 4 hours          “12” 12 hours          “24” 24 hours

21 – Valve Purge


Select time to open valves during inactivity period. This feature purges the lines so water does not 
become stagnant and helps keeps valves from sticking.
“0” Disabled (


          “1” 1 minute every 24 hours          “3” 3 minutes every 24 hours

6 – Pipe Sensor (Y/N) (for 2 pipe system only)

Select whether you are using a pipe sensor to monitor the pipe temperature.
n = No Pipe Sensor Connected (


y = Pipe Sensor Connected

7 – Pipe Sensor Cooling

Pipe temperature below this setting is considered to be cooling. If pipe sensor temperature is 
above this selected temperature for more than the Pipe Sensor Delay Time the cool valve will be 
turned off.
Changes setting between 50ºF and 65ºF (10.0ºC and 18.0ºC)   



8 – Pipe Sensor Heating

Pipe temperature above this setting is considered to be heating. If pipe sensor temperature is 
below this selected temperature for more than the Pipe Sensor Delay Time the heat valve will be 
turned off.
Changes setting between 70ºF and 90ºF (21.0ºC and 32.0ºC)   



9 – Pipe Sensor Delay Time

This is the time that the valve will be open to verify the pipe temperature before the valve is turned 
off. This gives time for circulation through the system.
Changes setting between 0 and 5 minutes at 1 minute intervals   



10 – 1st-Stage Differential

Differential is the number of degrees between the set point temperature and the turn on 
Changes setting between d1ºF and d6ºF (0.5ºC and 3.0ºC)   





 high voltage fan coil thermostat can be used for two pipe or four pipe systems. It can 

control heat only, cool only or heat & cool systems. A pipe sensor can be used for two pipe systems to 
verify the system is operating or automatically change to the correct operating mode. The thermostat 
is configurable for all fan coil systems. The configuration setup is used to match the thermostat to 
your system and turn on the features you want to utilize.
The thermostat can be setup for continuous fan or automatic fan. Continuous fan operates on the 
fan speed that you have selected. You can turn the fan off in OFF mode when in continuous fan. 
Automatic fan adjusts to the appropriate fan speed based on the set temperature and the room 
temperature. The further the room temperature is away from the set point temperature the faster the 
fan will operate. 


 incorporates several hotel card and unoccupied options. These features can be untilized 

to change the heat and cool set points to configured unoccupied set points when the room is empty.
A lock feature can be enabled so the setting can not be tampered with. A valve purge feature can be 
used to cycle the valve so water does not become stagnant and to stop valves from sticking.

Lockout Feature



 has a button lockout feature so the mode cannot be changed 

and the temperature adjustment is limited. Select the appropriate lockout 
from Configuration Mode Settings (Step 15) of this guide.
To activate the 



1.  Press the 


 button in, then press the 


 button in also. Hold 

both in for 10 seconds

2.   will display and the lockout function will be enabled.
To deactivate the 


 feature, repeat steps 1 and 2 above.




No display

Check for voltage at thermostat; display is blank when 
voltage is not present

System fan does not come on 

Verify wiring is correct, check connections are correct 
(see Configuration Mode Setting 5)

Thermostat turns on and off too 

Adjust temperature differential  
(see Configuration Mode Setting 10)

Room temperature is not correct

Calibrate thermostat (see Configuration Mode Setting 14) 
If remote sensor is used, check connections

displays when any button is 

Thermostat has the button lockout function activated  
(see Lockout Feature and Configuration Mode Setting 15)

- - 

on display instead of room 

Check for a bad connection if remote sensor is used 
(see Configuration Mode Setting 4)

Heat or Cool not coming on

(No pipe sensor)

Verify wiring is correct, gently pull on each wire to verify 
there is a good connection, verify configuration settings

Heat or Cool not coming on

(Pipe sensor connected)

Check pipe sensor temperature by pressing up and down 
buttons in – if out of range, outputs may not turn on (see 
Configuration Mode Settings 6-9)
