1. Fill a clean sink with detergent and hot water(50~60
2. Wash the disassembled parts with the solution and scrub them thoroughly with the
brushes provided with the machine. As you proceed, rinse with hot water. Make sure all
lubricant and mix film is removed from the parts.
3. Fill another sink with sanitizer prepared in 21~31
water(ex. 1pack in 9.5 liter of water).
4. Place the parts in the sanitizing solution. Leave them there at least 1minute(using the
sanitizing solution, sanitizer manufacturers’ directions are to be followed).
5. Place the components on a clean tray to air-dry.
6. Return to the machine with a small amount of sanitizer.
7. Dip a brush into the sanitizer and thoroughly brush the disassembled
8. Dip a brush into the sanitizer and thoroughly brush clean the mix inlet hole and the
pump drive hub opening in the rear mix tank
9. Spray the back of cylinders and the tankswalls with sanitizer
Repeat step 7, 8, 9 several time.
Reassemble and connect to the pumps only when cleaning operations are complete.
Reassemble the pumps, making sure to use food-grade lubricant on all o-ring and insert
them into the tanks
After installing the machine according to the instructions given in the chapter INSTALLATION,
and after carefully cleaning and sanitizing the machine, proceed as follows:
Remove the compression pipes from tanks bottoms and place them in the sanitizing solution.
Filing the tanks:
Take the 50% level into mix hopper firstly.
NB.: Mix to be poured at a temperature of 4~5
Pour one bag of mix into each tank allowing it to be convenyed
into the freezing cylinders. Mix level in the tank tank must
never reach the pump(see picture)and more mix must be
added when level goes below about 2cm from tank bottom.
Lower the distribution handles and wait until only full strength
mix will come out of the lid; close the handles.
Connecting the mix pressure pipe:
Keep on pouring the mix and wait till the cylinders have been completely filled (during that
time you see bubbles in the tanks); With sanitized hands, draw the compression pipes out
from the sanitizing solution and insert them into relevant tank bottoms.
Turn the compression pipes clockwise and align them to the pump, insert the connection
pipes well into the compression pipes, then into the pumps and lock them. Mix inside the
tanks shall never reach the pump(see the picture); furthermore mix shall be added whenever
level is 2cm from tank bottom.
Place tank covers back.
Select the function Production and after a few minutes, ice cream is ready for distribution