Converting ACT to WAV files
Voice recordings saved in .ACT format can be converted to more common,
although bigger .WAV files by means of the software provided on the bundled
CD. Use “Power Converter” for this operation.
Storing FM Radio Stations
Use the ARROW buttons to select FM RADIO MODE from the main menu. Press
the MENU Button to enter this mode.
Once inside – use the FORWARD and BACKWARD ARROW buttons to locate
available radio stations in the area.
Please have your headphones plugged into the player while scanning for
radio stations. They serve as a receiving antenna extension.
MANUAL SCAN: press the FORWARD or BACKWARD ARROW Button repeatedly,
it will cause the player to scan in increments of 100KHz up or down the
bandwidth looking for all available sources each time you short-press the
AUTO SCAN: long-press the FORWARD or BACKWARD ARROW Button until the
player goes into an auto scan mode. It will stop automatically once a strong