To save your time, before asking for help, try
one or more of the following methods please.
Note that some methods may not apply to
your device. If it still doesn’t work, please don’t
hesitate to let us know.
If your device performs abnormally, please
reset it. Just use a pin to press and hold
the Reset button for about 5s until
indicator lights turn off, it will create the
hotspot (named the camera’s UID pasted
on the camera)
within 15s.
If your device can’t connect to Wi-Fi, make
sure your Wi-Fi is in 2.4G mode and DHCP
is enabled. We recommend you to ask the
router technical support for more
information. Now, you can reset your
device and go from the step 3.2.
If your device is offline, make sure your
Wi-Fi is good. You can use your
smartphone to test it by connecting. Tap