7.5 Contacting us
Your first point of contact should be your local
dealer. They will be able to answer most of your
questions and can provide you with the full line
of ICE accessories. If you need to speak to us
directly, we can be contacted in a number of
In person;
Inspired Cycle Engineering Ltd
Unit 9
Tregoniggie Industrial Estate
TR11 4SN
Telephone: 01326 378848
(+44 1326 378848 outside UK)
Fax: 01326 379879
(+44 1326 379879 outside UK)
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: inspired_cycle_engineering_ltd
7.3 Liability information
Liability Waiver:
Taking part in any sporting activity can result
in injury or death. Cycling is no different in this
regard, and recumbent tricycles no different
from upright bicycles. In many ways, recumbent
trikes can be much safer than standard bicycles.
Nevertheless, the rider (that’s you) is expressly
assuming the risk for any injury and/or property
damage that may result from using our product,
as well as for any and all injuries and/or property
damages caused by someone riding your trike.
We have no control over how the trike is used
or maintained. It’s your trike; it is up to you to
be responsible for yourself. You need to ensure
that the trike is safe each time before you ride
it. You need to ensure that it is maintained to
a proper standard. Read and understand this
manual; it has warnings and suggestions that
will help you to use the trike safely. If you are in
any doubt about any of the advice or procedures
in this manual, please contact your dealer or
ICE. It is up to you to know and obey traffic laws
of the country or state where you will be riding
your trike. Pedal cycles are regarded in most
countries as vehicles when on the road and are
subject to the same rules as motor vehicles.
7.4 Legal requirements
Legal requirements vary from country to country
and you should always comply with them.
The important areas you need to consider are
lighting, and helmet use. Consult your local bike
dealer for information about what is required in
your area. Please also remember that even if
not required by law, some equipment (such as
helmets and lights) can increase your personal
safety and should be carefully considered.
If you are not comfortable on the road, or
have little experience riding in traffic, try
practicing riding on quieter streets, at least
until you develop the necessary skills and
road awareness. Many bike shops can offer
instruction on advanced riding techniques.
Inspired Cycle Engineering shall in no event
be liable for incidental or consequential losses,
damages or expenses in connection with its
tricycle products.