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Both start on the inner side and putting one lane onto the next pulling the end
oft he glider more and more to the middle. Like this the reinforcements can be
put on top of each other without being flexed.
The same is done on the opposite side. Like this only two lane wide packages
are left.
These are being folded on top of each other and beginning at the trailing edge
during simultaneous pressing to get rid of any air. The first fold over of the
package should be between 30cm and 50cm. This way the material of the
lower- and upper sail will not be stressed at the same area.
ICARO paragliders recommends not rolling in the glider material since different
strains apply to the material. Through folding this can be avoided.
The last fold is carried out at the side of the leading edge. This is wrapped in
direction of the trailing edge and packed between the part which has been
folded before. Please pay attention that the reinforcements aren’t flexed.
The compression band is being attached to the glider package crossways to
the folding direction and fastened only to hold the glider gently.
Afterwards put the package into the glider bag….ready!
In order to pack your glider in the same way as above without a helper there are
two possibilities:
1. Lay out your glider neatly, sort your lines and stow away your risers either at
the trailing edge or at the leading edge. You begin at the trailing edge and fold
these together. Like this the glider lays fan-shaped in front of you. Now you put
the leading edge on top without flexing it and carry on folding the glider, as
described above.
2. You use an ICARO fast packing bag (available online in our shop).
The fast packing bag has many advantages – not only folding your glider
without any help.
Even at strong winds the glider can easily be handled since the canopy
does not need to be spread out for folding.
The glider is lying during the procedure on the material of the packing bag
therefore it is shielded from stones, plants and humidity of the ground.
Through the fixation in the front part of the packing bag the reinforcements
of the leading edge stay flex-free on top of each other.
Adhesive logos
Always make sure that your intended logo will not in any way influence the glider
behaviour. If in doubt we suggest avoiding the attachment of advertising logos on
the wing. ICARO paragliders cannot be held responsible for any mishaps caused
by intentional aftersales changes done to the wing.
Attention: Attaching heavy adhesive logos made out of unsuited material
to the wing may result in the revocation of the glider