Copyright IBM Corporation 2009
Figure 3: Overall TCO: Traditional Tier-1 storage vs. XIV storage
Acquisition Costs
The IBM XIV Storage System is designed to be cost-efficient in all aspects, while
delivering outstanding and consistent performance. The XIV system’s:
Single-tier architecture
supports all kinds of storage in one environment and
makes scaling easy
Use of
off-the-shelf components
makes customized hardware unnecessary and
makes it possible to integrate newer, state-of-the-art hardware as soon as it
becomes available and without delay
Innovative use of
highly economical disk drives
[Very High Density Slower
Rotation (VHDSR) drives]
offers excellent capacity-for-cost value while meeting
enterprise performance standards
allows the acquisition and installation of additional
capacity to be delayed until needed, making it possible to defer capital purchases
and take full advantage of future hardware and price-point improvements not
currently available