The cartridge needs to be replaced. Try using a different cartridge for the backup. Mark
any cartridge that fails. If you notice that the same cartridge results in multiple failures, it
may be time to replace the cartridge.
The backup application has attempted to append data to a cartridge that previously
failed. If a write media error previously occurred on the tape, the tape drive cannot
append data at the point where the write media error occurred. You can attempt to
overwrite the tape, but any attempt to append data will fail.
If you are trying to write data, the cartridge may be write-protected. Check the switch on
the edge of the cartridge. If the switch does not cover the opening, the tape is write-
protected. If the switch covers the opening, you can write to the tape. Use a pen or small
screwdriver to move the switch.
If you used an application other than your normal backup application to write data to the
tape, your backup application may report that it does not recognize the tape. For
example, if you have used VXATool to write and read test data, the test tape will not be
“recognized” by your backup application. Perform a tape erase using either VXATool or
your backup application.
Backup Application configuration issues
If you suspect an issue with the backup application configuration, use VXATool to first confirm
that the hardware is working properly. Run a VXATool Write/Read test to verify that the tape
drive is communicating over the SCSI bus and that it can perform write and read operations. The
readme file that accompanies the program (or the online help for the Windows version) provides
instructions for using VXATool.
For any questions regarding software configuration, contact your software provider.
To troubleshoot problems with the tape drive, you can use the VXATool diagnostic software. This
program allows you to conduct diagnostic testing and update the firmware. VXATool is available
for a variety of operating environments.
Download VXATool free of charge from the Support section of Exabyte’s web site at
www.exabyte.com. The readme file that accompanies the program (or the online help for the
Windows version) provides instructions for using VXATool.
Before running VXATool—completely shut down your backup application and any services it may
be running. The backup application may prevent communications with the tape drive or may
interrupt VXATool functions resulting in their failure.
Use VXATool to perform a Write/Read test of the tape drive. The Write/Read test verifies that the
tape drive is communicating over the SCSI bus and that it can perform write and read operations.
Refer to the readme file or on-line help available with the VXATool for detailed instructions.
As improvements to tape drive firmware are made, they are made available for download from
Exabyte’s web site at www.exabyte.com. Use VXATool to check the current version of firmware in
your tape drive and to update the firmware as needed.