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IBM System Networking SAN24B-5 Switch



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Summary of Contents for RedBooks SAN24B-5

Page 1: additional redundancy for increased resiliency SAN24B 5 provides a critical building block for today s highly virtualized private cloud storage environments It simplifies server virtualization and...

Page 2: ...buffer credit loss Real time bandwidth consumption by hosts and applications on ISLs to easily identify hot spots and potential network congestion A second power supply to enable dual power redundancy...

Page 3: ...d virtual servers directly to the core of SAN fabrics This makes access gateway transparent to the SAN fabric greatly reducing management of the network edge In Access Gateway Mode the SAN24B 5 can co...

Page 4: ...ced Zoning Full Fabric and Enhanced Group Management are part of the base FOS and do not require a license When using FOS v7 2 or later you will have access to additional base functions such as Server...

Page 5: Access Gateway mode IBM Network Advisor software supports SAN24B 5 Gen 5 Fibre Channel technology by providing end to end management of data center fabrics from storage ports on networked storage...

Page 6: ...o device or ISL congestion as well as abnormal levels of latency in the fabric This feature works in conjunction with IBM Network Advisor to automatically monitor and detect network congestion and lat...

Page 7: ...includes Adaptive Networking and Server Application Optimization when using FOS 7 2 or later Fibre Channel interfaces Auto sensing of 2 4 8 and 16 Gbps port speeds D_Port diagnostic port E_Port EX_Por...

Page 8: ...uded for installation country specific power cords must be ordered for desktop or stand alone installation Warranty One year customer replaceable unit CRU and onsite 9 5 next business day response war...

Page 9: ...s Item Description Nominal input voltage 85 264 V ac universal Input line frequency 47 63 Hz Power consumption 80 W with 24 ports populated with 16 Gbps SWL optics 60 W for empty chassis with no optic...

Page 10: ...f the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any...

Page 11: ...ered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries A current list of IBM trademark...
